Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All about him.

Owh !
Who is he ? Someone just came out from asylum ?
No ...
He is Edward , my class monitor.

There is no smoke without fire , i wont write about someone if there is no reason.

Again , his name is Edward , currently 15 , another person that make me pissed off.
I don't like him much , but what to do ? He is my class monitor.
Here is some of the word i wish to tell him.

Dear Edward :

Please think when you wanted to talk , please think when you wanted to shout , please think when you wanted to take any action , i am not pissed because you say that you want to " port " us because of being noisy or what. I am pissed with your fake pathetic mask that you wear.
I don't care if you wanted to " port " us because we are noisy , i wont scare if i dint make any noise , i am just sitting near them , if you tell someone that you wanted to " aim " us with your DOG TIE , just better don't both of " us " won't get any benefit , and please relax , i am pissed off , but i am not that kind of person that will do any dirty tricks on you , just go " port " if you want , but you will boycott by 95% of the class.

Who want to go class with " black face " ? When you having some " Cold-War " with someone (especially classmates ) , you are already suffering because you must " black face " to him when you saw him , 1 people already make you suffering so how about 20 ~ 30 people ? It is not wrong if you " port " us , but sometimes , things must be done in a silent way. I believe that the teacher wont tell them who " port " them , think about it , its not good to be arrogant in class.

From your dear friend : Alvin


Anonymous said...

EDWARD ! YOU SUCKS ! Go die la !

Alvin Lee on July 2, 2008 at 2:48 AM said...

EH EH EH ! Dont you sucks you die here la ..... ==....my blog lai de u noe



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